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Halliday-Cap 22-VOL.3- rar - p22 010, Exercícios de Engenharia Elétrica

Solução do exercícios 1 aqo 51 do Capítulo 22- Cargas Elétricas- 4 ed. VOL.3 A solução dos exercícios está em inglês

Tipologia: Exercícios


Compartilhado em 20/04/2010

christiane-barbosa-arantes-6 🇧🇷



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Baixe Halliday-Cap 22-VOL.3- rar - p22 010 e outras Exercícios em PDF para Engenharia Elétrica, somente na Docsity! 10. There is no equilibrium position for q3 between the two fixed charges, because it is being pulled by one and pushed by the other (since q1 and q2 have different signs); in this region this means the two force arrows on q3 are in the same direction and cannot cancel. It should also be clear that off-axis (with the axis defined as that which passes through the two fixed charges) there are no equilibrium positions. On the semi-infinite region of the axis which is nearest q2 and furthest from q1 an equilibrium position for q3 cannot be found because |q1| < |q2| and the magnitude of force exerted by q2 is everywhere (in that region) stronger than that exerted by q1 on q3 . Thus, we must look in the semi-infinite region of the axis which is nearest q1 and furthest from q2 , where the net force on q3 has magnitude∣∣∣∣k |q1q3|x2 − k |q2q3| (d + x)2 ∣∣∣∣ with d = 10 cm and x assumed positive. We set this equal to zero, as required by the problem, and cancel k and q3 . Thus, we obtain |q1| x2 − |q2| (d + x)2 = 0 =⇒ ( d + x x )2 = ∣∣∣∣q2q1 ∣∣∣∣ = 3 which yields (after taking the square root) d + x x = √ 3 =⇒ x = d√ 3 − 1 ≈ 14 cm for the distance between q3 and q1 , so x + d (the distance between q2 and q3 ) is approximately 24 cm.
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