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The effect of staggering a biplane, Notas de estudo de Engenharia Aeroespacial


Tipologia: Notas de estudo


Compartilhado em 04/06/2011

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Baixe The effect of staggering a biplane e outras Notas de estudo em PDF para Engenharia Aeroespacial, somente na Docsity! TECHNICAL N~ES. NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS. No. 70. THE EFFECT OF STAGGERING A BIPLANE. By F. H. Norton. “ Langley Memcrial Aeronauticel La?aoratory, Natiqnal Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Langley Field} Va. . September, 1921. . ITATIONALADVISORY COUMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS. TECHNICAL NOTE No. 70. THE EFFECT OF STAGCXRING A BIPLANE. By F. E. Norton. Summary. - This investigation was carried out by request Of . the United States Air Service at the Massachusetts Institute of ● Technology wind tunnel in 1918. As the data collected may be of general interest, they are published here b$ the Nations3 Advisory committee for Aeronmtics. The lift, drag, and center of pressure travel are determined for a biplsne with a stagger varying frcm +’100$$to -100$. It is found that the lift incre~e with Eositive stagger. ttiecenter of pressure is far forward with changes in lift coefficient. efficiency and the maximum With large positive staggers and has a very slight travel Introduction. - As staggered biplanes have certain advantages from the. cGmplete ● had been care was nations, The point of.view of visibility, it was thought that a more investigation of the aeraiynamic effects of stagger than done ‘oeforewould be of considerable value. Particular taken to examine the pitching moments of the various com3i- as they showed very interesting characteristics. references to work already done on stsgger are given below: Some Stable Biplane Combinations, J. C. Hunsaker; British Advisory Committee R. & M. No. 186; Nouvelles Recherches sur la Resistance de llAir et lfAviatioq Eiffel. 0 .003 I .0024-g’ 1 d +J~2 x m“ . G jool d .0012“~~~~ ..— $ 1 ~ .0004:~ I I o0 t Fig. 1 .- ~gle Wing Chord to Wind. ; ● ● ● .003 . .002 ● 002 .002 -002 .002 .001 n. :.001 .~ :+E)l . :.001 2 -.~~ c!? .000 .000 -000 .000 -000 . \ 1 [ i I \ I 9 B b t — . t ? . 1 -2° f 100 50 0 Ea Percent stagger Fig. 2- s~~ger ted CL VS. S~Sg~er. * 000$ .0007 .0005 .0001 0 i I I Il; .. . l\l ‘“L— I.——.—- ;---t-T~-----T~--r-- ‘“ --l-+”-, , =F- — ..— ! —— — “~ +’ --’ - . -— 0 I 14 ! —. / .—. — .— 1-l .“ j 12 c‘ * I q== =-~ I 10G I I \ d .— 1“ I A l! GO I 1.n,IJ ‘-—7P-T0‘..__.—.. —-+.—-l1“f * I ~ +2C ‘— I “:... :‘J _.fi_l-; +lWU +5(J (1 50 -100 Percent Stagger Fig. 3 Stagger Test CD Vs* St~ger.
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